The City of Pompano Beach’s Therapeutic Recreation Department promotes inclusivity through adaptive programs for individuals with developmental and sensory disorders. A key initiative is the ZENsory Zone Van, a mobile sensory-friendly space designed to provide a calming environment at city events. The department is also recognized as an Autism Friendly City, with 80% of staff trained in autism awareness. This program ensures accessible and engaging opportunities for all. Use the menu items to the left to explore all we have to offer!
In an effort to make the entire Parks & Recreation Department inclusive and accessible to those with disabilities we have accomplished the below:
- Certified 80% of our staff in Autism Training!
- The Autism Society of South Florida designated the City of Pompano Beach as an Autism Friendly City!
- Created a one- of- a- kind ZENsory Zone!
- Received a 2024 Quality of Life grant from the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation to purchase the GRIT Freedom Chairs
Contact Information
- Email:
- Phone: 954-786-7841