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Wahoo Bay Overview

Wahoo Bay is located at the Roy L. Rogers Family Park and is open to authorized groups only!

Wahoo Bay aims to raise awareness of the importance of keeping our oceans and reefs healthy while providing a unique, immersive and educational experience both in the water and online.

Coastal communities, like ours, depend on natural barriers, such as, mangroves and coral reefs, to help protect the shoreline and limit the impacts of flooding caused by intense storms and seasonal hurricanes. The cost-effective, environmentally friendly concrete SEAHIVEā„¢ structures you see along the seawall were installed within Wahoo Bay to act as a shoreline protection system. These honey-comb structures disperse wave energy helping limit flooding and erosion.

In the shallow protected waters of Wahoo Bay, a unique underwater experience is being created by these SEAHIVES, which attract, preserve and enhance existing natural
resources. Additions of locally-created environmentally friendly interactive art, live lab experiments and educational displays allows you to explore under the waves without even getting wet. Combined with our online educational portal, visitors locally and abroad will be able to "dive in" and explore using all five senses. No matter your age or ability, you'll be able to explore the importance of our oceans and the marine life that call them home. Community scientists like you will be pivotal to helping protect this space so that other communities can see the benefits of protecting their shorelines.

Address: 2700 N Ocean Blvd, Pompano Beach, FL 33062

For more information on the WahooBay Project, visit this page!

Field Experiences

Wahoo Bay Field Experiences are already Broward County School Board Water-related field trip approved, teachers only need to receive approval from their principal before requesting a field experience date. These field experiences are meant to provide students and teachers with hands-on, inquiry and research-based learning experiences. Our goal is to help students learn locally so they can think globally. Wahoo Bay provides a local, living laboratory that allows students to learn about Florida coastlines and be a part of the solutions necessary to protect them.

Engaging with local researchers and exploring the site using current data allows for a more tangible and meaningful learning experience. The skills students learn throughout the experience are practical and provide them with the abilities to analyze and interpret real data, enhancing their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Overall, this approach enriches the learning experience and connects students with their community and the practical application of science. Integrating research allows students to realize they have the ability at any age to solve a problem - that they are all researchers and scientists and how to work with others and get and ask for help when needed.

Field Experience Reservation Information Email: WahooBay@copbfl.com

Exploring Wahoo Bay via Boat

Currently, we provide field experiences via boat. Schools are responsible for transporting students via bus to/from the boat dock. Students meet our large catamaran dive boat at the S. FL. Diving Headquarters (SFDH) dock in Pompano Beach and are transported to Wahoo Bay. Snorkeling is optional and gear is provided for free.

Students are transported back to the SFDH Dock before departing on their school bus and will board the boat at S. FL. Diving Headquarters: 101 N Riverside Dr # 111, Pompano Beach, FL 33062