Due to Hurricane Milton and the potential for severe weather conditions, the City of Pompano Beach operations, facilities, and programs will be closed tomorrow, Wednesday, 10/9/24, and Thursday, 10/10/24. Concern for the safety of our residents, visitors, and employees is the highest priority of City officials in potentially dangerous conditions.

Nascar Field Trip

Charlotte Burrie Center | 2669 N Federal Hwy
Oct 27 | 9:30 am - 5:00 pm


Get your front stretch or turn 1 ticket today. Transportation to Homestead Miami Speedway is provided and registrants are invited to meet at the Charlotte Burrie Center at 9:30am for bagels and coffee.

OCT 27 | 9:30AM

$75 | 18+

Charlotte Burrie Center | 2669 N Federal Hwy

Nascar Field Trip