Parks & Recreation Month!

Pompano Beach Parks
Jul 01 - Jul 31 | 2024
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Each July we celebrate National Parks and Recreation Month, a tradition dating back to 1985. As parks and recreation professionals, we strive every day to make a positive impact in the lives of our community members and look forward to celebrating with you! Celebrate Parks & Rec Month by participating in a Scavenger Hunt for the 5 Painted Pompano’s in our Parks.

Painted Pompanos in our Parks Scavenger Hunt:


  • STEP 1: Grab a Summer Quarterly from any Parks & Rec facility or downlaod the printable version HERE to start your hunt for a chance to win a FREE Pavilion Rental!
  • STEP 2: Write your name, email and zip code in the space provided.
  • STEP 3: Start your hunt for the 5 Painted Pompanos!
  • STEP 4: Scan the QR codes to open directions for easy navigation to the 5 Painted Pompano included in this hunt. Make sure you check the box after you find each one.
  • STEP 5: Take a selfie with your favorite fish and tag us on Instagram or Facebook @pompanobeachparks.
  • TURN IN YOUR COMPLETED SCAVANGER HUNT BY AUGUST 31, 2024: When you find all 5 of the Painted Pompanos, it can be turned in to any of the below facilities for a small completion prize. You will also be entered to win a FREE pavilion rental with your submission!

Follow us on Instagram:

For all things Parks & Recreation be sure to follow us: @pompanobeachparks

Parks & Recreation Fun Facts:

  • Parks contribute to overall urban cooling making our City more comfortable in the summer!
  • Park and Rec departments are among the biggest employers of youth.
  • Parks connect all members of the community to programs and services that improve improve health and enhance quality of life.
  • Parks provide a connection to nature, relieving stress, strengthening relationships and improving mental health.
  • Parks encourage physical activity through sports, walking trails, swimming pools and more!

Parks & Rec Professionals Day Video:

Staff Featured:

  • Chelsea Anderson, Pompano Beach Aquatic Center
  • LaDonna Brooks, Emma Lou Olson Civic Center
  • Consuelo Lewis, E. Pat Larkins Community Center
  • Derick Gasset, Mitchell/ Moore Recreation Center
  • Tommie Bright, Highlands/ N. Pompano Park
  • Nick Lazzazara, Charlotte Burrie Civic Center
Parks & Recreation Month!